The Embodied Trauma and Pain Lab
Tel Aviv University
We conduct research aiming to elucidate the implications of interpersonal trauma for the ways individuals perceive and experience their body. Special focus is dedicated to child maltreatment, peritraumatic and posttraumatic pain, and posttraumatic orientation to bodily signals.
The Embodied Trauma Lab is directed by Dr. Noga Tsur.
In the Embodied Trauma and Pain Lab we uncover the short and long term implications of interpersonal trauma for bodily functioning and experience. In particular, we aim to fascilitate new insights regarding the complex links between peritraumatic bodily sensations and posttraumatic bodily manifestations, including peritraumatic pain and chronic pain.
Based on the understanding that the experience of the body is formed within early interpersonal contexts, we study posttraumatic intergenerational processes of orientation to bodily signals and pain perception.
In our Lab, students are involved in research formation and execution, and work together to facilitate fruitful joint research projects that pave the way for new understandings of the ways in which interpersonal trauma is engraved in the perception and experience of the body.